Tuesday, July 10, 2012


There's a loneliness that comes from being bipolar.  It is because we are different and we try to put on a face to convince the world we are just like  everyone else..  This is still necessary because people look for how we are different rather than how we are alike.  A great deal of the problems of the world could be solved if we would put this approach on its head and begin viewing people for their likenesses.....how are we connected?  What a novel concept.   It's even positive!  In case you haven't noticed, despite all the rhetoric about chaange and a better world, the approaches that are taken and the attitudes of our leaders are very negative.  How can one expect to reach success if seeking it in a negative way?  Logic fails me here.
I just ask that you think about how much sense this makes.  But back to my original statement.  People with mental illness have a certain stigma to overcome, and because of that stigma, we are forced to play a role and appear to be as "normal" as all the rest of you.  I'm still trying to figure out what makes you "normal"...it may make you "average" and who wants to be average?  At any rate we try to fit the mold of general society.  (too many semantics in this post).

In addition to trying to appear to be like the rest of the world, which leaves us sort of lonely because we can't be ourselves, is the fact that none of you really understand fully how we feel.  Hence we are well aware of how different we are..  The miracle of that is that if we are properly counseled, we can then make a list of all of our attributes and not feel so bad...and promptly go in search of someone LIKE us.  ....why is that?  why does finding someone like us make us less lonely?  because the Normal people are busy looking for the difference between them and us and what they don't understand frightens them.  Mental illness is merely one area where this happens.  And that is a glimpse of just one thing that is not right with a negative approach.
Peace, hope, compassion and understanding....these are the things of broad minds.

"Who we are never changes.  Who we think we are does"    Mary's Almanac


  1. I got to this box,the most recent post when I clicked onan "apppeal" from Jan saying If you can access this blog.
    IF you get his, I think youcan effect the move you mentioned with a simple cut and paste.. although everything will show up w/the same date or whichever date the entry is moved.

  2. I like your idea that we should be looking for the likenesses we have with each other. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
