Sunday, February 17, 2013


  Sadly, we lost Belle in late December.  My brother is so thoughtful.....he knew how we both were hurting at the loss.  On the next week, he took time from his work to go to Heidelberg Kennels to look for a partly grown German Shepherd Dog.  He called me around 2:00 after his second visit to the kennel that day and said "I am at the kennel and I want them all".  When can you come and meet me here.  I met him at 4:00 and we picked a new female GSD, 10 months old and 63 pounds.  At first we named her Sonora; however, I called here Sonora, Sedona, Serena, Celina, etc..   The name just didn't fit.  She didn't really respond to it either.  Then a friend suggested we name her Kimble County, TX where the ranch my brother goes to is located.  I called "Kimble' and she ran right to  me.  So Kimble it is - although on paper, we are spelling it KimBelle in honor of Belle.

KimBelle has turned  out to be much like a two year old.  She is into everything.  We just about have the housebreaking accomplished; however, she slippers, Bill's hats,  my underwear, towels, naame it.  Today we noticed shse kept going to the tree behind the garage.  John finally went out to see what she was doing there and he found my tw slippers, nicely lined up, my panties and a bra, a rug from the kitchen, and two of Bill's hats.  She wasn't chewing them.......just "collecting" them!  Just when you think there is nothing very funny in the world, something like a Kimble aarrives and turns your life upside down and keeps you hopping....and laughing.  She is very intelligent.  Frm the get-go, she opened the doors.  We have the tiype with the lever handles.....she opens the doors by pushing the lever UP with her nose and pushing.  We are going to have to put knobs on two doors in the house....the ones that lead to the bedrooms and my office/sewing/craft/computer room. where there is much to catch her attention.  I am blessed to have this new time for bipolar mood swings. LOL.  The picture above is of KimBelle.
This is a picture of Belle: Christmas 2011.
Dogs are suc amazing additions to our lives.  Their love is unconditional.....and they don't gossip! 

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